Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hello and welcome to the Titan Quest Lab

I'm starting this blog for the purpose of keeping a record of all my Titan Quest builds. Keep in mind that I'm very impatient so I often use TQ Defiler to speed up the leveling and item aquisition so that I can do what I enjoy doing best without unnecessary distractions: take on Legendary. Here's an idea of what's coming up on the Titan Quest Lab:

-100% recharge Spellbreaker summoner - I made this build ages ago. I even have a crappy youtube video of it in action.
-100% recharge Rogue daggerspammer - very versatile, since you only need a handful of skills to make it work, with the rest being up to you. You can either go hunting for more piercing damage, storm for some decent elemental damage (which gets added to your daggers btw), squall and wisp, earth for a core dweller to distract enemies enough to give you a chance to fill them up with daggers. The possibilities are endless.
-Juggernaught. All that stacked armor has always been intriguing, and with a multitude of +%fire damage items it might end up being fairly decent.

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